Hello Friends  ,(okcomputer)

Welcome to okcomputer.in website My name is Hari shankar kushwaha and i live in Gwalior  . I am a Technical engineer (I am working in technology since 6 years). This website is for Technical support, in which laptop and pc software, typing software, printer drivers download etc. can be taken advantage of and technical blogs tell about pc, laptop, new updates, Microsoft Windows. What is okcomputer.in ? I started blogger in 2017 which got spammed due to some reason and after that I stopped writing blog posts and also I created youtube channel, 

in this I used to upload videos twice in video years this way of life Journey was going on our youtube channel of 2017 is still there which is in the name of Technical Creat1 i used to work in medical everything was going well but we used to have problem that we did not get leave so i left the job. And then we got a chance to learn computer hardware course (diploma) through pradhan mantri kaushal development scheme (PMKVY) through addvertise. We learned 6 month course.

 Then we got a job in a computer shop which took about 5 months. After this we started personally contacting the customer and used to do home service as we did not have any shop and till 2021 I insisted. But a customer explained negative on me then I stopped going to home service. We named our shop ok computer. When I searched ok computer com in the domain it was not available then we kept ok computer.in. My shope name is okcomputer. Journey of Education Our childhood was spent in the village and we used to do farming. I did not feel freedom in the job, then I was determined that I will do business only.

Computer and CCTV Work

We used to sell vegetables in the market and go to school, and then after passing high school I came to Gwalior to study that I want to do job and I gave some exams.Website supported system If I went to fix the computer, I had to face a lot of problems, new updates, old updates and software was not supported, so the problem came in this way, in which a lot of our time was wasted, when we had to download software online, the server was slow, proper download If there is no file, I created a software website so that users can get help in technical support, you can download free application in it, in the support system of Windows, if there is any error in the system, then you can take this facility from here. take it and be happy.